We are nurturing human-centred innovation in Kanata

By Shaun Illingworth

An environment that truly fosters innovation at the intersection of technology, business and humanity is taking shape at the University of Ottawa’s Kanata North campus. 

The new Human Centered Innovation Lab will provide a space and a framework for students, faculty and industry partners to work jointly on projects which benefit from multi-disciplinary expertise.

Dom and I are proud to be a part of this venture, lending our expertise and experience as part of the team leading HCIL.

The lab allows local businesses to leverage methods such as design thinking, service design and integrative thinking to pursue product and service improvement. At the same time, students can apply their creativity and knowledge of the human experience to real-world challenges.

HCIL recognises that the relationships between human, business and technical creativity are inseparable. Activities at the lab will include workshops on UX and design thinking; co-design/co-creation activities, such as design jams or hackathons; community building (watch for CapCHI sessions!); and testing and evaluation of products.

Human-centred, multi-disciplinary innovation is an essential component of the curriculum at UOttawa. HCIL will allow community partners, businesses, faculty, and students who have an interest in transformative change to explore their ideas. We are excited to support students and organisations as they go through the process of innovation.

The concept of a multi-disciplinary “lab” to focus knowledge and interest in human-centred design is well established in the Ottawa academic community. The value of this construct has been proven, and we’re thrilled to see it take root at UOttawa.

Connect with us to hear more about our work with HCIL or email us for updates or with specific questions.

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